A Review on Enhanced Productivity Approaches in VCM Suspension Polymerization- Open access Journals- Juniper Publishers
by Darvishi R
VCM suspension polymerization is performed as the batch-wise process.
For this, the productivity of this high demand product is low. As VCM
suspension polymerization is an exothermic process, the full capacity of
the cooling system remains idle most of the time during the course of
the polymerization.There are three strategies for keeping the reaction
rate constant during the entire polymerization process. fast initiator
dosage during reaction, cocktail initiator system and the temperature
trajectory are the strategies that one can utilize to maintain the
polymerization reaction rate at a constant value close to the allowed
maximum rate. There are several reports that investigated separately the
PVC resin properties obtained by these modes of polymerization.
However, no report is published to compare the specifications of each
mode together and also the PVC resin properties prepared by these
policies. Letreture review shows that to achieve an enhanced
productivity accompanied with the equivalent properties of a
conventional VCM suspension polymerization, in terms of molecular and
morphological characteristics, the best approach is using cocktail
initiator system.
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